"The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are."
- Rumi
Step into the Full Light of Who You Are
To live fully means we experience the complete spectrum of our humanity. Sometimes our lives feel grounded and abundant. Our clarity and self-possession make us feel like we are basking in our own light and offering it to others effortlessly.
Other times we lose that light and feel our own glow diminish. We get stuck. We want more. We search for radiance. We seek to know ourselves with unflinching honesty so we can grow and be brighter versions of ourselves.
The truth is our own luminosity is ever present, but for specific and unknown reasons it sometimes gets blocked.
I am here to be in relationship with you, to guide and support you on a meaningful journey to uncover the full light inside you and let it shine.

“Working with Mitzi is a golden invitation to discover a more authentic way of being in the world. Her creative and practical approach gave me the courage to jump into the flow of the deeper narrative of my life. If you're looking to reconnect with your innate wholeness and focus on what matters most, then Mitzi is the coach for you. With Mitzi as a trusted guide, get ready for a joyful journey that could transform your life!”
- Kelli, Physician and Author
Our process together is one of discovery, evolution, and integration.
The method is focused on whole-being growth. I work in deep connection with you to facilitate the integration of mind, body, spirit, emotions, and relationships so you gracefully inhabit your true essence and are empowered for long-term excellence.
Integral coaching draws on many traditions including biology, cognitive science, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, spirituality, ontology, and somatics, which provide many avenues of insight and practice.

"When it's over, I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to amazement. I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.
When it's over, I don't want to wonder if I have made of my life something particular, and real. I don't want to find myself sighing and frightened, or full of argument.
I don't want to end up simply having visited this world.
—Mary Oliver from "When Death Comes"
My Ideal Client
Coaching is based on a relationship between you and me. I am not looking for just anybody to coach: I am looking for you!
If you are at a point in your life where you are both ready to do the personal work (including homework) and prepared to face potential discomfort (unfurling our potential is uncomfortable at times), then we have the foundation of a bountiful and abundant connection.
You are already smart and resourceful and are looking for a thought partner who engages in reflective inquiry and is fully present with you.
I'm most interested in working with individuals who are looking for holistic evolution, rather than problem-solving. If you are open to seeing whatever is keeping you from further growth as an issue that has ramifications beyond the symptoms, we will work well together. If you want to move beyond correcting a weakness or improving a skill, toward creating a more authentic, embodied way of being that integrates your learning and builds your capacities as a human, we will likely get along fabulously.
It doesn't matter if what makes you feel stuck is professional or personal, what matters is that you want to address your issues with a 360° view toward discovery, evolution, and integration of your entire self.

Coaching Logistics
Discovery Session – 30 minutes, free of charge
Engagement Agreement Includes:
Assessment – 1.5 – 2 hours
Purpose and Outcomes check in – 20 – 30 minutes
Written Development Program – updated as needed
Plan Delivery – 1- 1.5 hours
Coaching Sessions – 1. 1.5 hours each
Written summary after each session, including new and ongoing assignments
Written Forward Evolution plan after final session
Each coaching engagement is uniquely designed so the costs vary. Pricing reflects length of engagement, duration of each session, and any additional resources. Please contact me for a discovery call. I look forward to hearing from you.